Q Code Cnc

Cnc Drill Line Guide

Beam drills are essential tools for medium-sized to large-sized structural fabricators. Beam drill lines can accurately drill holes in various steel profiles of different lengths and with CNC controlled programming. These machines remove the need to manually draw or lay out the positions. Instead, the machine produces the hole using a mag drill punch, plasma, or punch. This laborious process can take many hours and may require several employees. A beam drillline eliminates the need to manually plan and avoids any errors.

GSS Machinery�s magnetic brush and broom help with the removal of chips from the machine and for sweeping up chips from the floor

Material handling allows for the connection of multiple CNC machines. It keeps material flowing through the shop and allows fabricators expand their business. The Advantage-2 highspeed drill line processes 150 tons steel per 40 hour workweek. The ideal drill for small to large fabrication companies all over the world. All stops. Voortman has made the success for the steel industry his number one priority. Because of this, our support and service is unparalleled. Ask for a demonstration, quote, visit, or phone to learn more about some of the most formidable steel fabrication machinery. Voortman has more strength than steel.

Voortman offers 24 hour technical support for our global clients. Voortman's service personnel have many years of experience working in the field, assembly or factory checkout. This allows them to be familiar with all types of machines. Voortman has a service team that is available 24/7 to answer your questions.



Continuous production? Check. The fabricator's edge does not come from the ability to just handle processes, but in the time it takes to complete them and simultaneously exceed industry standards for quality. Triple axis drilling and milling leads to processing a complete profile in record time. Powered by high-speed 25 horsepower Siemens spindle motors, this strength captures industry-leading hole penetration times and each drilling axis utilizes ball screw feed positioning. With all that power under the hood this drill line wields an advanced clamping system designed specifically to bring vibrations to the bare minimum. Extreme accuracy? Check.

It is better to import files directly form your steel detailing program. This removes an unnecessary step as well as eliminates potential incorrect data capture. Two distinct camps exist in this regard:

Cnc Drills

The CNC Drill Line can be operated easily and Avenger operators are the ones who lay out the floor. You don't need any prior computer knowledge and are given full training at the time of installation.

Peddimat has a simple, intuitive interface that is easy to understand.

Cnc Drills

Cnc Drill

GSS Machinery's magnetic brush (and broom) help remove chips from the machine as well as sweep up chips from floor.

Voortman machinery is the worldwide leader in structural steel fabrication technology. Voortman machines provide steel fabricators with an advantage in the steel sector and allow them to maximize tonnage. Advantage-2 CNC beam drill is the core of any structural-steel fabrication shop. This machine is the heart of it all. It can drill endless carbide holes at high speeds, with multiple spindles, and at high speed. Advantage-2 is the most productive drill line in the steel sector. This drill line supports shops over the long term thanks to its heavy steel frame. The Advantage-2 is able to run profiles from one end to the other without any stops in production thanks to its roller feed design for the outfeed and infeed. Many fabricators around the globe use their Advantage-2s every year to make hundreds of thousands of tons steel.

Cnc Drill Line Guide
Cnc Drill Line Contractors

Voortman� Roller Feed Measurement system exceeds the industry standard for roller measurement technology. Maintaining accurate measurements without any hesitation in production is crucial. Accuracy is not compromised even despite deviations in material.

It may be between a Vertical Machining Centre or a CNC Router when deciding on the CNC machinery that you want to buy. These two pieces of equipment can be used for different purposes. Which one should you choose?

Cnc Drills

Check our other pages :

V Block Drill Guide

These drop-in, serrated grippers are used to secure flat bars, base plates, angles, and other profiles with rounded edges.

Importing files directly from steel detailing software is preferable. This eliminates the need for additional steps and eliminates any potential errors in data capture. In this regard, there are two distinct groups:

Frequently Asked Questions

Step one is to determine the beam's total load and live load. Identify the type of load that you are supporting (roof, floor, or non-snow) and then choose the span you require. Match the live load and total loads to the values in the tables. It will also list the thickness and depth of each required member. 26 September 2022

These nodes can connect a beam to a column or a wall. A beam that supports multiple beams is called the main beam. Some of its nodes can be non-supporting. These can be, for example, the nodes on which secondary beams rest.

Channels, or C-beams, are used when the flat back side of the web is mounted to another flat surface. This allows for maximum contact. Sometimes they are welded back-to-back to create a non-standard I beam.

Consider the same-weight sections and same material beams. This means that all cross sections are equal for axial load purposes.

A36 is a popular low-carbon, low-cost steel that is widely used. It is known for its high yield strength (36,000psi) as well as its excellent machinability. A36 can be extended to approximately 20% of its original length and is often used for columns, beams and decking.